About Us:
An ‘about us’ is a tricky thing to write. Not because it's hard to write one. But because people are going to judge us based on it. Here’s the thing though. We don’t like to be judged. Judging is mean. It hurt my feelings in middle school… and high school… and college… and last week… and it caused Aimée to stop wearing a pair of shoes that someone described as ‘girthy.’
So I’m sorry to say, random stranger, there will be no judging of us here today. Instead, you’ll have wasted 1 to 2 minutes reading this dumb, little blurb. You’ll still have no idea who we are. And you’ll be left to ponder if you’re a part of this judging epidemic our country is facing.
But please, don’t have a moral crisis because of little old us. Reach out and let's have a healthy conversation about who we are, advertising, and anything else. Sorry you read all that.
Where We've Been:
Wieden + Kennedy NY | ACDs | 2022 - Present
Wieden + Kennedy NY | Writer + Art Director | 2020 - 2022
BBH | Writer + Art Director | 2017 - 2020
Playstation, Seamless, Grubhub, Samsung, Air Portugal
Grey | Writer + Art Director | 2013 - 2017
Best Buy, NFL, Downy, Jif, Tums, Hasbro
Grey | Interns | Summer 2013
Tums, Jif, Papa John's, Pringles
University of Texas at Austin | 2009 - 2013
Texas Creative Program